
The Gospel According To You

The Gospel According To You

Some readers have wondered why I would quote the likes of Woody Allen and Rabbi Kushner, or make mention of Jimmy Buffet and certain Hollywood films in my devotionals. Aren’t devotions supposed to lead us away from the world to focus on something higher? It’s true that looking away from the world may represent an element in our devotion to God, but certainly not all of it.

“All truth is God’s truth,” is something that has stuck with me since I first learned it from Dr. Arthur Holmes, former head of the philosophy department at Wheaton College. Because God created the world with a full set of natural laws, scientists and philosophers who may want nothing to do with a belief in God can indeed make observations and conclusions about life that can be supported by a biblical point of view.

For instance, I know nothing about the faith of the artist I met who paints silk shirts for Jimmy Buffet and his band, but the man taught me how to see the light from the sun in late afternoon in such a way that left me worshiping God. That truth belongs to God. The man may believe in Karma, Buddha, Elvis or Scooby Do; it doesn’t take away from his adding to my worship of God.

You might be wondering why this is important as a devotional thought. It’s important because it could potentially turn your whole day into one continuous devotional thought. Here’s how. It’s all according to how you perceive it.

First, we don’t have to look away from the world to worship. This is good news since we all, of necessity, have to pay a good deal of attention to the world in order to live here. After all, the world is our address. If I can pay attention to the world and to God at the same time, I can turn more of my life into worship? potentially, all of it. I can have my devotions at work, at the movies, at the ballpark, at the gym, or during my commute. I don’t have to stop what I’m doing to focus on God.

Secondly, our ability to find truth in our culture provides points of connection that prove valuable to our mission, which is to tell others about Christ.

The clearest example of this in the scriptures comes by way of Paul, who when he was in Athens addressing the Greek Epicurean and Stoic philosophers, chose things from their culture (words of their own poets) and even their pagan religion (an idol to an unknown god) to help convey his message about Christ. He didn’t say, “You’re all wrong.” He said, “You’re right about this, this, and this… now based on that, please consider the following…” (Acts 17:16-34)

All this to say: Keep your eyes open and your spiritual insights working at all times. You will find more opportunities to worship God and celebrate the truth, and more chances to connect the truth of Christ to a culture that may have left the door open on the subject without knowing it.

Question: Should we embrace our culture, or flee from it, or approach it from some other more complete & biblical angle?

By John Fischer

Also Read: Fifty Students Achieve First-Class Honours at JABU

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